Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Guidebook"

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Q: 1. The guidebook to address the disasters seriously as our own

2. The tips to think of disaster as an issue that affects you) Does this sound natural?
A: × 1. The guidebook to address the disasters seriously as our own
✓ 1. The guidebook for thinking about natural disasters as something that can happen to you.

× 2. The tips to think of disaster as an issue that affects you)
✓ 2. The tips to think of when natural disaster(s) strike.

I'm not sure what type of disasters you mean, so I corrected this under the assumption that you mean natural disasters like Earthquakes, flooding and tornadoes.

Disaster and natural disaster are different, despite having the same results of chaos.

Disaster can be resulted from many things, including war, which is caused by humans.

Natural disasters are earth phenomenon's that are a result of the earth's natural processes. It means humans aren't the cause of the disaster.

The definition of disaster in Japanese - 災害, applies to both the English definition of human caused disaster and natural disaster.

However, in English, there are two different ways of referring to a disaster.

どのような 「 Disasters 」を意味しているのかわからないので、地震や洪水、竜巻などの "自然災害 "を意味していると仮定して修正しました。

「 Disasters 」と「 Natural Disasters 」は、混沌とした結果という点では同じですが、異なるものです。

「 Disasters 」には様々な原因がありますが、その中には人間が引き起こす戦争も含まれます。

「 Natural disasters 」は、地球の自然プロセスの結果として起こる地球現象です。つまり、人間が災害の原因ではないということです。

日本の災害の定義は、「 Disasters 」と「 Natural Disasters 」の両方に当てはまります。

しかし、英語では「 Disaster 」という言葉には2つの異なる表現があります。


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