Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Wa"

The meaning of "Wa" in various phrases and sentences

Example sentences using "Wa"

Q: Please show me example sentences with “If i was rude to you, i would apologize.” Is that correct? Or “i were” I dont get the difference between them. .
A: There is no difference.

'If I were' is a tense called the subjunctive and is technically correct, but is increasingly uncommon because English speakers get confused by saying 'I were' which is incorrect most of the time. 'I was' is much more common and the subjunctive is not needed in English today, although it has not disappeared completely. It is very common in old texts like Shakespeare. Today, it's very formal or poetic. I'd avoid using the subjunctive most of the time.

However if you do want to understand, the subjunctive expresses possibility, wishes, imagination and orders. It is usually constructed using conjugation as if the subject was 'you', e.g. 'Were he richer he would buy the house, were it possible I would have seen you, I wish I were there'. In this case we are imagining we are rude to the other person, so you can use 'If I were rude'. Subjunctive does not need an 'if' because this is implied by its use so it could also be 'were I rude' (but this is even less common than if I were).

You can use normal conjugation of 'to be' for all the above examples e.g. If I was, if he was. You must have a subject first if you are using normal conjugation ('if it was possible' not 'was it possible' - this is a question).

subjunctive is still sometimes used for commands, obligations or suggestions e.g. we asked that she leave (instead of 'she leaves'), it is necessary that he write the letter (instead of 'he writes'), but it is also formal, and would be more common to say 'we asked her to leave', 'he needs to write the letter'.

It's used most for suggestions e.g. 'I recommend you be there early, I would suggest that he read the book', but there are also ways around this which would be completely normal.

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