

Q: たてたての、たてだ を使った例文を教えて下さい。

(I put the dashes (-) between the words so you know that the object is attached to the verb-adjective たての (For たての the sentences attend to change because of the adjectives within the sentences to express negative or past tense. This can be very tricky so this requires a lot of studying. For example, you Fall is around the corner so it's going to start getting cold. So if it's cold today you'll used "寒い", and you'll say 今日は寒いです= It's cold today but if your talking about being cold yesterday you used 寒かった(さむかった/samukatta) which means was cold and you'll say 昨日は寒かった(きのうはさむかった/kinou ha samukatta)=It was cold yesterday < this the past tense. If it's not cold outside, you'll used 寒くない, and you'll say 今日は寒くない= (きょうはさむくない/Kyou ha samuku nai)=It is not cold today), For yesterday you'll use 昨日は寒くなかった(きのうはさむくなかった/kinou ha samuku nakatta)=It was not cold yesterday. It also gives you the ability to add things to it. For example, 今日や昨日は寒くなかった (きょうやきのうはさむなかった/Kyou ya kinou wa samuku nakatta)=It was not cold today or yesterday.), & the casual verb たてだ.)

たて(verb)=just; fresh from
茶をたてる (ちゃをたてる/Cha o tateru)=to make tea

Wet Paint! 

家をたてるの? (いえをたてるの?/ie o tateru no?)=Build a house?

自分のたてた手柄 (じぶんのたてたてがら/Jibun no tateta tegara)=My humble deed

聞き耳をたてる. (ききみみをたてる/kiki mimi o tateru.)=keep one's ears open

1年たてば.(1ねんたてば/1-nen tateba.)=in a year's time=in a year

笑い声をたてる.(わらいごえをたてる/warai goe o tateru.)=let out a laugh

時がたてばわかる.(じがたてばわかる/ji ga tateba wakaru.)=Time will tell; Time will show.

馬のたてがみ (うまのたてがみ/Uma no tategami)=the mane of a horse

音をたてないさま (おんをたてないさま/Oto o tatenai sama)=making no sound

人を引きたてる (ひとをひきたてる/hito o hikitateru)=to pack up one's things

たてたお茶の味 (たてたおちゃのあじ/ateta ocha no aji)=the taste of tea

お金をたてかえる (おかんねをたてかける/okane o tatekaeru)=to pay for someone else

彼をせきたててもむだだ. (かれをせきたててもむだだ+kare o sekitatete mo muda da.)=It's no good pressing him.

時がたてばたつほどこちらの利益だ(じがたてばたつほどこちらのれきだ/Ji ga tateba tatsu hodo kochira no rieki da)=Time is in our favour.

彼は、音をたててスープを飲んだ(かれはおんをたててすーぷをのんだ/Kare ha oto o tatete su-pu o nonda)=He slurped his soup

百年たてばみな同じだ (ひゃくねんたてばみなおなじだ/hyakunen tateba mina onaji da )=It will be all the same a hundred years hence

たての=verb + たて  ( = tate) means ”newly/ freshly/ just did something”. By adding の ( = no) you can use it as an adjective.

できたてのパン. (Deki-tate no pan.) fresh bread

結いたての頭 (ゆいたてのあたま/yui-tate no atama)=hair just done up

入れたてのコーヒー(ire-tate no ko-hi-)=fresh coffee/a fresh pot of coffee

ひきたてのコーヒー(hiki-tate no ko-hi-)=Freshly ground coffee

ペンキ塗りたてのドア.(ぺんきぬりたてのどあ/penki nuri-tate no doa)=a fresh‐painted door

洗濯したての服を着る.(せんたくしたてのふくをきる/sentaku shi-tate no fuku wo kiru.)=put on clean clothes

とりたての果物. (とりたてのくだもの/tori-tate no kudamono.)=freshly picked fruit/freshly picked fruit

もぎたての果物。(もぎたてにくだもの/mogi-tate no kudamono.)=Fruit fresh from the tree/freshly picked fruit

取りたての梨 (とりたてのなし/tori-tate no nashi)=pears fresh from the tree

塗りたてのペンキ.(ぬりたてのぺんき/nuri-tate no penki.)= fresh paint

蒸したての焼芋 (むしたてにやきいも/やきいも/mushi-tate no yakiimo)=sweet potatoes hot from the oven

生まれたての赤児 (うまれたてのあかご/umare-tate no akago)=a new-born baby

出来たてのホヤホヤだ (できたてのほやほやだ/Deki-tate no hoya hoya da)=It is bran-new; brand-new.

自動車は出来たてのほやほやだ(じどうしゃはできたてのほやほやだ/Jidousha ha deki-tate no hoya hoya da)=It is a bran-new motor-car.

あれは来たての人だ (Are ha ki-tate no hito da)=He is a new comer; a new arrival.

大都会に来たての人. (だいとかいにきたてのひと/dai tokai ni ki-tate no hito.)=a newcomer to the big city

結婚したての男性 (けっこんしたてのだんせい/kekkon-shitate no dansei )=a newly married man

日本へ来たての西洋人だ (にほんきたてのせいようひとだへNihon he ki-tate no seiyou hito da)=He is a foreigner just from abroad.

学校を出たての先生だ (がっこうをでたてのせんせいだ/Gakkou o de-tate no sensei da)=He is a teacher fresh from school

この田舎から出たてのオレンジだ(このいなかからでたてのおれんじだ/kono inaka kara de-tate no orenjida)=This is a orange fresh from the country.

搾りたての牛乳を使ってください (しぼりたてのvゆうにゅうのつかってください/Shibori-tate no gyuunyuu o tsukatte kudasai)=
Please use fresh milk.

たてだ(だ is a casual particle)=just; fresh; only just

彼はスコットランドから来たてだ(かれはすこっとらんどからきたてだ/Kare ha Sukottorando kara ki-tateda)=He is just from Scotland.

風呂に入りたてだ (ふろにはいりたてだ/Furo ni hairi-tateda)=I am just from the bath/I have just come out of the bath.

彼は洋行して帰りたてだ (かれはようこうしてかえりたてだ/Kare ha youkou shite kaeri-tateda)=He is just returned from abroad.

彼女はアイルランドから帰りたてだ(かのじょはあいるらんどからかえりたてだ/Kanojo ha Airurando kara kaeri-tateda)=She just returned from Ireland.

先生は大学を卒業したてだ (せんせいはだいがくをそつぎょうしたてだ/Sensei ha daigaku o sotsugyou shi-tateda)=Our teacher is fresh from the university.

先生は大学卒業したてだ (せんせいはだいがくそつぎょうしたてだ/Sensei ha daigaku sotsugyou shi-tateda)=He is fresh from college. (with out "を" to make it more casual)

私は東京へ来たてだ (わたしはとうきょうへきたてだ/watashi ha Toukyou he ki-tateda)= I have only just come to Tokyo.

このはりんご田舎から来たてだ (このはりんぎいなかからきたてだ/Kono ha ringo inaka kara ki-tateda)=The apples is fresh from the country.

我々の新しい先生は大学を出たてだ。(われわれのあたらしいせんせいはだいがくをでたてだ/Wareware no atarashii sensei ha daigaku o de-tateda.)=Our new English teacher is fresh from college.

You'll also have to remember the Japanese system goes by Subject, object,& verb or SOV. For example, you how we say "turn on the bath water", they say "turn on bath water" it sounds like something a toddler would say, but this is actually the literally translation of what the sentence structure is saying. When you speak Japanese you are literally saying the meaning of the sentence. Here's another example.
“I went to England.”
イングランドへ行きました。(innguranndo he ikimashita). Here's the literally translation of it. "England to went"
"England" is your subject, "to" is your object, and "went" is your verb.

Japanese say things in daily conversations literally. You know the game musical chairs this is a good example because Japanese play musical chairs too, but it's called "いすとりゲーム" (isutori-ge--mu) which mean "chair take game" in literal Japanese. In literal English it means "to take a chair away game". Translating like I just did in literal Japanese first and than translate it in English. It's a lot quicker that way and your level of Japanese will improve incredibly. This will take a lot of practice & time to get used to. Just think of like the board game scramble when you translate it into English.






