Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Chrono"

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Q: I’m wondering if I play ‘Chrono Trigger.’
Chrono Trigger is a Japanese role-playing game and I guess it’s famous in game-lovers even in other countries. Today, my husband was like, “I heard Chrono Trigger is the best role-playing game ever.”
Actually, I had played it once, but I stopped playing. I’m not exactly sure the reason why I quit, but that might have been because playing it with my smartphone was uncomfortable.
And now, I’m thinking about playing it again with DS. If I start to play it, I will spend a lot of time on it, which means I spend less time studying English. However, I heard I can play it in English. It will solve the problem! Does this sound natural?
Q: I accidentally want to play Chrono Trigger again. Do you know this Japanese old TV game.

Main characters fight with the evil with his friends while traveling over the world and time.

One of the friends is flog. He seems creepy first, but he is one oo the coolest man ever. Does this sound natural?
A: × I accidentally want to play Chrono Trigger again.
✓ I randomly want to play Chrono Trigger again.

× Do you know this Japanese old TV game.
✓ Do you know about this old Japanese video game?

× Main characters fight with the evil with his friends while traveling over the world and time.
✓ The main characters fight against evil alongside friends while traveling all over the world and through time.

× One of the friends is flog.
✓ One of the party members is a frog.

× He seems creepy first, but he is one oo the coolest man ever.
✓ He seems creepy at first, but he is one of the coolest characters ever.



Japanese old TV gameよりold Japanese TV gameの言葉順番が自然です。でも、TV gameは現代ならあまり言われていない言葉です。ちょっと古い感じがします。TV gameよりvideo gameの方が普通です。

あと、とても小さなことですけど、knowをknow aboutに変えたんです。どちらでもいいと思うんですけど、ただknowだけを使うと、ニュアンス的にこの感じがします ->「この古い日本のテレビゲームを知ってますか?(手でゲームケースを紹介)」

know aboutなら、その「手でゲームケースを紹介」の感じはしません。分かりますかね?(言語力足りなくてすみません)


Main charactersをThe main charactersに変えたんです。文法的にこの方が自然です。

with the evilよりagainst evilの方が自然です。with evilなら「evilとともに」みたいな感じがします、個人的に。あとtheはいらないんです。

with his friendsをalongside friendsに変えたんです。まず、hisじゃなくてtheirですね。The main charactersと書いてあるからね(一人の主人公ではなく、主人公た・ち・)

で、そのままのwith their friendsはいいんですけど、個人的にwith theirをalongside (their)に変えれば、なんというかな・・・もっと高級で説明的な感じがしますかね?口で友達とかに言ってるのなら、withを使うのはぜんぜんいいんですけど、ちゃんとした説明を丁寧に書いたいのなら、alongsideの方がちょっとだけ、もっと高級感がある言葉かな?まったくどうでもいいことなんですけど、ニュアンス的にこの違いです

traveling over the world and timeをtraveling all over the world and through timeに変えたんです。travel over the worldじゃなくて、表現はtravel all over the worldですね。(世界の様々なところに、あっちこっちに行く)

で、travel timeじゃなくて、表現はtravel through timeです。


flogじゃなくて、スペルはfrogです。flogというのはまったく違う意味の言葉です :)

この部分で、friendsをparty membersに変えたんです。friendsはぜんぜんいいんですけど、つい先もう言ったので、別の言葉にしたらいいのでは?という考えで変えたんです。でも、とても小さなことで、本当はどちらでもいいんです。


He seems creepy firstじゃなくてHe seems creepy at firstですね、文法的に。

he is one oo the coolest man everのooはofのタイプミスですね。それを直して、he is one of the coolest man everになります。

でも、one of the coolest man everは文法的に違いますね。正しいのは、one of the coolest men everです。manをmenに。で、それを直して、he is one of the coolest men everになります。


He is one of the coolest frogs everと言ったら、普通の人の反応はたぶんこの感じ「What? You know that many frogs to pick a favorite from?」


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