Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Gear"

Synonyms of "Gear" and their differences

Other questions about "Gear"

Q: Q. Can you extinguish the gear fire from the cockpit?
A. I can't put out a gear fire from the cockpit at least from the cockpit of the plane I usually fly.

Q. How long does it take for all the passengers to evacuate?
A. I have no idea about that. But I'm pretty sure it really depends on the size of the aircraft and how many people are actually on board.

Q. Why do you think the passengers are evacuating from the left side?
A. Because It seems the right main gear is on fire.

Q. What are your duties while evacuation?
A. My first duty that I have to do especially as a Captain is to evacuate all the passengers and the flight crew from the aircraft safely. Secondly, I try my best minimizing the damage of the aircraft as much as possible. Does this sound natural?

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