Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Hybridization"

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Q: Hybridization mating.

Did you know gourds were poisonous?

If you grow gourds next to cucumbers, the cucumbers will be poisonous, too.

It's because gourds can mix with other melon-type plants such as cucumbers.

Gourds are just like H.I.V patients to me. They can have sex with the same species and move their poison to them.

The poison, named cucurbitacine, the word, cucurbita, seems to mean "gourd" in Old Latin, can kill people, too.

At an elementary school in Osaka, a teacher let the students eat gourds in their school field because they wanted to eat some.

Afterwards 28 or so students had food poisoning and the teacher was fired, which is a bit sad.

He or she probably didn't know about the poison of the gourds.

I didn't know, either.

Anyway, but I also learned the poison, cucurbitacine can be anti-cancer medicine. It seems to be known that it can stop cancer cells from growing.

The poison for human beings can be poisonous for cancer, too.

That's interesting, isn't it? Does this sound natural?

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