Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Mccay"

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Q: Besides, McCay's artistic pride was not satisfied in the field of animated film production in the end. His personal production style was eventually left behind by the times as the division of labor even became mainstream even in cartoons, i.e. mass production. The sight of a luxury liner being torpedoed by a submarine and sinking in a matter of minutes was a spectacle, but the public did not love the hand-drawn spectacle even though it was based on a real tragedy, but animated comedies with popular characters portrayed as comedians. This was very convenient for the division of labor and assembly line system in animated film production, where multiple artists drew the same figures at the same time. Moviegoers were happy with the visual simplification as long as they could identify who each character was. After devoting himself to comic strip work in the 1920s, he continued to showcase his talent but was less interested in deepening his thinking about what a character is. and died suddenly of a brain embolism in 1934. Due to his long and affluent lifestyle, he did not leave much of a monetary legacy while leaving us artistic legacy to date. At his funeral, in addition to his former colleagues, newspaper magnate Hearst and his son were present. Does this sound natural?
A: × Besides, McCay's artistic pride was not satisfied in the field of animated film production in the end.
✓ Besides, McCay's artistic pride was not satisfied in the field of animated film production.

× The sight of a luxury liner being torpedoed by a submarine and sinking in a matter of minutes was a spectacle, but the public did not love the hand-drawn spectacle even though it was based on a real tragedy, but animated comedies with popular characters portrayed as comedians.
✓ The sight of a luxury liner being torpedoed by a submarine and sinking in a matter of minutes was a spectacle, but the public did not love the hand-drawn performance even though it was based on a real tragedy, but animated comedies with popular characters portrayed as comedians.

× This was very convenient for the division of labor and assembly line system in animated film production, where multiple artists drew the same figures at the same time.
✓ This was very convenient for the division of labor, and assembly line system in animated film production, where multiple artists drew the same figures at the same time.

× After devoting himself to comic strip work in the 1920s, he continued to showcase his talent but was less interested in deepening his thinking about what a character is. and died suddenly of a brain embolism in 1934.
✓ After devoting himself to comic strip work in the 1920s, he continued to showcase his talent but was less interested in deepening his thought process about what a character is. and died suddenly of a brain embolism in 1934.

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