Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Derive"

Example sentences using "Derive"

Q: Please show me example sentences with derive pleasure .
A: Here are some examples from Google:

- Why do we derive pleasure from imaginary things?
- Some people derive pleasure from watching horror movies.
- I derive pleasure from my work.
- It's so nice to be able to derive pleasure from the simple things in life.
- Gossipers derive pleasure from other people's misfortunes.
- Mr Ying is one of those happy people who derive pleasure from helping others.
- It's no secret that we derive pleasure from doing things we enjoy, such as playing our favorite video game.
- It could be that human brains are hardwired to derive pleasure from punishing competitors.
- We learn to derive pleasure from the shape of the food, its packaging, and even who we eat or drink with.
- Some otherwise healthy people just don't derive pleasure from music, scientists report in the March 17 Current Biology.
- Those who derive pleasure from child porn cannot be rehabilitated.
- Most obviously, the sadist may derive pleasure from feelings of power, authority, and control, and from the 'suffering' of the masochist.
- Two studies led by psychological scientist Erin Buckels of the University of British Columbia revealed that people who score high on a measure of sadism seem to derive pleasure from behaviours that hurt others, and are even willing to expend extra effort to make someone else suffer.
- Lakeview Health helps patients regain healthy relationships with family and friends, regain their ability to derive pleasure from hobbies and other activities and help them deal with difficult challenges by using newly learned skills and tools that help maintain their sobriety and recovery.

Other questions about "Derive"

Q: Derive • Extract • Draw • Retrieve

I want to figure out how to operate properly with these words.

I have a situation, and my task is to extract the benefit from this situation.
In this meaning, does Extract = Derive, Draw, Retrieve ?

What the difference?

It needs to derive the maximum benefit from every last cent that it spends.
Questions: 1st - it needs; it spends; do we talk about the situation generally not about someone specific as she needs or he needs.. it needs = in general, like we just consider such a necessity (without attachment to a concrete person, it might be it needs for everyone)???
2st - "derive" appears as an "extract" here with the same idea, analogically, we could say - to draw or to retrieve ???

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