Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "I"

The meaning of "I" in various phrases and sentences

Translations of "I"

Other questions about "I"

Q: ‎When I was at university. I lived in an old house.
Even though the house is too old, I lived for 3 years because It was no deposit and no contract.
It's impossible in Korea. But the main reason was the location.
There was close to the university. It took only 5 minutes. It was very convenient.

When I moved in, I found many spiders. I was terrified of that.
I looked up at the ceiling. It was also full of insects. I called in an exterminator.
It was very stressful.

I got up at 7 am, took a shower, and ate breakfast. I made a coffee and poured it into my tumbler.
On top of that, I made sandwiches too.

That memories are very powerful. Some of them are happy memories.
Life is always difficult, not easy. But It is worth it in my life. Does this sound natural?
Q: ‎‎‎While I read a book in the cafe, I'm waiting for my boyfriend.
He is quite late. but I'm ok.
He must be tired I think.
This time he comes towards to me.
I'm very relieved because he looks great.
He ask me, why don't we see a movie tonight?
I always say "yes".
We arrive at the cinema. Then we walk into the cinema.
Look at the him with the popcorn. It looks delicious. We buy a popcorn.
I look around for our seats.
During watching movie, we are going to eat popcorn.
We talk each other for a few minutes before the movie starts. Does this sound natural?

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