Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Induce"

Example sentences using "Induce"

Q: Please show me example sentences with induce.
A: Hello, I hope this is helpful. Induce is not necessarily a widely used word. Usually, it's used to describe situations dealing with health and medicine or scientific conversations regarding electromagnetism and radiation, although it can be used to describe other kinds of common situations.

Definition: Induce basically means "to cause [something] to happen".

Word forms: Induce, Inducing, Induced, Induct, Inductible, Inducted, Induction, Inducting, Inductive, and, Inductively.

Example 1: She was more than 41 weeks pregnant. She decided to go to the hospital for the doctor to induce labor. Not long after induction, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. In her 2 prior pregnancies, the babies were born early, so she never needed to be induced. She is, however, very thankful for the inductive properties of synthetic oxytocin; without it, she might not have had such a beautiful, healthy baby. For some women, the process of inducing labor is very stressful, but for her it was a necessary relief.

Example 2: She was undeniably the most talented and versatile women's wrestler of all time! As a result, WWE had no choice but to induct her into its Hall of Fame! After she was inducted, practically every wrestling and combat sports editorial company on the planet wanted to interview her. There were many reasons why the companies wanted to interview her, but the most obvious reason was that she was a woman; that simple fact alone made it so that she wasn't and couldn't ever be inductible. That is until she advocated for herself, through her many talents. She showed the decision-makers that she wasn't just as good as any man on the roster, she showed them that she was better!

Example 3: They are constantly impressed by his power of reasoning both deductively and inductively. He was skilled at making connections to his position by contrasting and by comparing. His reasoning skills were so well displayed that others typically regarded him as the greatest critical thinker that ever lived. Inducting him into the Guinness Book of World Records, would be an interesting task, as no one has ever been inducted for such a reason. He would, however, undoubtedly go down in history for his talent and no one of his time would ever make an objection against him.

Please let me know if you have more questions or need a different perspective. 😊

Synonyms of "Induce" and their differences

Q: What is the difference between induce and spark and trigger ?
A: induce = to persuade someone to do something bring about a change of action through persuasion.
- "None of these measures induced a change of policy"

spark = to bring up change of action or inspiration in a positive way or A trace of a specified quality or intense feeling.
- "He was a good-looking intern, but there simply wasn't a spark between them."
"Spark" can sometimes be used to describe the chemistry between lovers

Trigger = cause (an event or situation) to happen or exist. or something that makes your feelings appear in a negative way.
- "An allergy can be triggered by stress or overwork"
"Trigger" is also used as something that reminds you of an event.
example: The scent of cookies triggered her memory of baking cookies with her grandma.



トリガー=原因(イベントまたは状況)が発生または存在します。 またはあなたの気持ちを否定的に見せるもの。


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