Updated on
9 Jan 2019

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  • English (US)
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Question about English (US)

This is my presentation.
Would you check and correct my Englsh?

Hello, everyone. My name is Kotoha Amahara. I’m a freshman at the Kobe University. Thank you for coming here. Today, I'm going to talk to you about my favorite rock band, “SPYAIR”, because I want to introduce them to you so that I love them. Do you know “SPYAIR”? Thank you, please look at this photo. They are “SPYAIR”. This photo is the newest their artist photo, so very cool. By the way, the presentation, I give you an introduction them first. Second, I talk about when I met their songs and their’s attractive features.
SPYAIR is a four-piece rock band. Formed in 2005, and they made major debut in 2010. Their works were the theme song for a lot of TV animations and TV dramas.
Next, I talk about when I listen to their song for the first time. I listened to their song first time is when I was 11 years old. That song is “Samurai Ha-to” which played a TV animation’s ending song. I was fascinated by that song, because it was really cool and, matched with that TV animation story. I became their fun right away. Then I became a high school student, I went to their concert. I really enjoyed it, and I have moved my hart because I listened to a lot of my favorite songs. So, They have a lot of cheerful and powerful songs. Not only that their songs are quite a cool melody.
In short, I’ve talked about my favorite artist, “SPYAIR”. First, I talked about their’s introduction. Second, I talked about I have heard their song the first time. As I talked to you, I like “SPYAIR” very much. I want to go to their concert again. Thank you for your attention.

皆さん、こんにちは。私は アマハラ コトハです。私はこうべ大学の1年生です。ここにきてくれて、ありがとうございます。今日は、私の大好きなロックバンド"SPYAIR”についてお話します。なぜなら私は彼らが大好きなので皆さんに紹介したいからです。皆さんは”SPYAIR”を知っています?ありがとう。この写真を見てください。この写真は最も新しいアーティスト写真で、とてもかっこいいです。さて、このプレゼンテーションでは、まず初めに彼らのおおまかな紹介をします。次に私が彼らの曲に初めて出会った時のことと、魅力的なところを話します。

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This is my presentation.
Would you check and correct my Englsh?

     Hello, everyone. My name is Kotoha Amahara. I’m a freshman at the Kobe University. Thank you for coming here. Today, I'm going to talk to you about my favorite rock band, “SPYAIR”, because I want to introduce them to you so that I love them. Do you know “SPYAIR”? Thank you, please look at this photo. They are “SPYAIR”. This photo is the newest their artist photo, so very cool. By the way, the presentation, I give you an introduction them first. Second, I talk about when I met their songs and their’s attractive features.
  SPYAIR is a four-piece rock band. Formed in 2005, and they made major debut in 2010. Their works were the theme song for a lot of TV animations and TV dramas.
     Next, I talk about when I listen to their song for the first time. I listened to their song first time is when I was 11 years old. That song is “Samurai Ha-to” which played a TV animation’s ending song. I was fascinated by that song, because it was really cool and, matched with that TV animation story. I became their fun right away. Then I became a high school student, I went to their concert. I really enjoyed it, and I have moved my hart because I listened to a lot of my favorite songs. So, They have a lot of cheerful and powerful songs. Not only that their songs are quite a cool melody.
     In short, I’ve talked about my favorite artist, “SPYAIR”. First, I talked about their’s introduction. Second, I talked about I have heard their song the first time. As I talked to you, I like “SPYAIR” very much. I want to go to their concert again. Thank you for your attention.

皆さん、こんにちは。私は アマハラ コトハです。私はこうべ大学の1年生です。ここにきてくれて、ありがとうございます。今日は、私の大好きなロックバンド"SPYAIR”についてお話します。なぜなら私は彼らが大好きなので皆さんに紹介したいからです。皆さんは”SPYAIR”を知っています?ありがとう。この写真を見てください。この写真は最も新しいアーティスト写真で、とてもかっこいいです。さて、このプレゼンテーションでは、まず初めに彼らのおおまかな紹介をします。次に私が彼らの曲に初めて出会った時のことと、魅力的なところを話します。
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