Updated on
29 Jun 2019

  • English (US)
  • Japanese
Closed question
Question about Japanese

僕は四ヶ国語で話せます。もちろん、英語は一番覚えた言語です。中学で、二年間エスペラント語を勉強していました。忘れた言葉がいっぱいけど、まだ少し話せます。やすい言語ですね。後で、二年間高校でドイツ語を習いました。それはまだいっぱい話せますが、一番いいドイツ語話せるひとではありませんよ。今、日本語を話せるようにしますが、九か月だけで勉強しています。いつも間違いをしてしまうけど、いつかよくなるでしょう。毎日勉強すれば、確かに日本語を覚えてなるでしょう。 Does this sound natural?

英語:I can speak four languages. Of course, English is the first language I learned. In middle school, I studied Esperanto for two years. Although I forgot many words, I can still speak a little. It's a very easy language. After that, I studied German for two years in high school. I can still speak a lot of it, but I am not the best German speaker! Now I am trying to learn Japanese, but I have only been studying for nine months. I always make mistakes, but I someday I will get better. If I practice every day, then certainly I will learn Japanese someday.
[News] Hey you! The one learning a language!

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