Updated on
4 Jul 2019

  • Czech
  • French (France)
  • English (UK)
  • German
Question about English (UK)

Two boys want to share stolen walnuts
With their pockets full of walnuts, they go to a morgue by the cemetery gate. Before they enter the morgue, two nuts fall to the ground.
They boys sit down on the floor and start dividing their nuts: "One for you, one for me, one for you, one for me..."
A man passes the gate and hears the two voices coming from inside the morgue: "One for you, one for me, one for you, one for me..."
Scared to death, he runs to the priest and tell him: "Hurry up! You must hear that! God is dealing with the Devil! They are dividing souls in the morgue!"
The priest goes with the man to see what is happening. As they come closer to the cemetery gate, they hear the voices from the morgue: "One for you, one for me, one for you, one for me. Well, that's all. Now let's take the two at the door!"
Does this sound natural?

Please help me make MY TRANSLATION of a joke into English sound natural. Thank you very much for your help!
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