Updated on
16 May 2017

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Question about English (UK)

Generally speaking, developing countries have a huge chasm divides social classes: those who belong to the "high society" have luxurious life-styles on the other hand, indigent peoples' only goal is subsistence. This essay outlines some of the reasons which are the basis of this phenomenon such as colonialism, globalization and wealth concentration.

First of all, European countries through imperialism and colonialism expansions in Africa and South America impoverished these lands because of a huge extraction of raw material and manpower. For example Italy conquered Ethiopia taking possession of its mineral resources. Portugal colonized South American territories (today known as Brazil) because of wood interest. Nowadays all these nations are considered third world countries.

Another process that contributed to social disparities is globalization that leaded multinational industries to control a big part of world's economy. These multinationals' only goal is to reach larges profits in order to keeping expanding their business and finally monopolize the whole market.

As consequence, there is a concentration of planet's wealth according to data, the minority of people holds 99% of available wealth while the biggest part of world's population can have access to only 1% of global resources. These circumstances are even more evident in poor countries, where most of the people live in difficult conditions such as marginalization, criminality, lack of access to education and health.
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