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英語 (アメリカ) に関する質問

Since the end of last year, my laptop's response time had become much slower. Whenever I tried to launch an application, a blue donut icon appeared and started spinning. This always annoyed me. I posted a question about this situation in the Microsoft support community. Several people commented, "No one uses the same laptop for 8 years like youdo!" I wish I could continue to use my computer as long as it worked. In any case, I've always been particularly intolerant of changes in my lifestyle. But yesterday I found myself getting totally frustrated and yelling at my computer because it was so unresponsive. I decided that even my mental stability was in question, so I went to a big IT device store in town, browsed through laptops that seemed at a reasonable price, bought one that day, which is unusual for me, and went home. The thought of reconfiguring settings like sending and receiving email made me nervous, but when I tried it, the process went surprisingly smoothly, despite the fact that I hate setting up IT equipment. This is the computer on which I am writing this article. It feels good to be able to perform different tasks at the same time without worrying about freezing. At the same time, it's in my nature not to want to change the routine, so when I reluctantly switch to a new way of working and find it more comfortable, it feels good, but uncomfortable at the same time. I remember when I went to high school, for a very lazy reason, I decided to take the train to school, and even after I realized it was a detour, I didn't change my ways. One of my classmates also rode the train to school with me at first, but I didn't see him on the train at the end. We weren't close friends, but I felt abandoned. I knew that other classmates told him that it would be faster to take the bus to school, and I thought it was a very wise decision to take the bus. However, I continued to take the train and ride my bike to school. It's not that I'm stubborn. It's just that I didn't want to see myself living in a very, very small world from a new perspective. Even now, as I get older, this conflict still exists in my mind. この表現は自然ですか?


  • トルコ語
  • ブルガリア語 準ネイティブ

  • 日本語

  • トルコ語
  • ブルガリア語 準ネイティブ

