
  • 日本語
  • 英語 (アメリカ)
  • 中国語 (簡体字)
  • ベトナム語
英語 (アメリカ) に関する質問

Could you please check and correct my English opinion paragraph?(;-;)

I think Japan shouldn’t take the policy that Japan consider Japan first. First, Japan is completely different from other countries because we have article 9 of Constitution. After the world war II, Japan have been a neutral power and a cushion of international conflicts. If Japan quit to be that, There would be confusion all over the world. Second, Japan don’t have power as much as America. It is true that America has the highest GDP and military force. Japan don’t have the way to get along without cooperation. Third, Japanese don’t have mindset like American, thinking he/she is the most important person. Japanese tend to live in relationship with other people. From these reasons, I think it won’t work well if Japan adopt the policy like Donald Trump’s America first.


  • 英語 (アメリカ)

  • 日本語

Could you please check and correct my English opinion paragraph?(;-;)

I think Japan shouldn’t take the policy that Japan consider Japan first. First, Japan is completely different from other countries because we have article 9 of Constitution. After the world war II, Japan have been a neutral power and a cushion of international conflicts. If Japan quit to be that, There would be confusion all over the world. Second, Japan don’t have power as much as America. It is true that America has the highest GDP and military force. Japan don’t have the way to get along without cooperation. Third, Japanese don’t have mindset like American, thinking he/she is the most important person. Japanese tend to live in relationship with other people. From these reasons, I think it won’t work well if Japan adopt the policy like Donald Trump’s America first.
