Updated on
22 Sep 2021

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  • Korean
Question about Korean

형용사 부정형에 대한 질문입니다. I understand that we can use 안 and 지 않다 for negative form. 지 않다 is easy to understand but I am confuse for 안 adjective

I see a lot of korean people write 안 조용해요, 안 행복해요, 안 피곤해요, 안 건강해요 for these 하다 Adjective. So, is it okay to conclude that when it comes to Adjective with 하다, we just put 안 in front, not in the middle like 동사; 공부 안 해요.

Is it correct to assume like this or is there still exception for certain adjective 하다 words?

Also, is this correct?
안 씩씩해요
안 가득해요
안 비열해요
암 멍청해요

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  • Korean

  • Malay
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형용사 부정형에 대한 질문입니다. I understand that we can use 안 and 지 않다 for negative form. 지 않다 is easy to understand but I am confuse for 안 adjective  

I see a lot of korean people write 안 조용해요, 안 행복해요, 안 피곤해요, 안 건강해요 for these 하다 Adjective. So, is it okay to conclude that when it comes to Adjective with 하다, we just put 안 in front, not in the middle like 동사; 공부 안 해요. 

Is it correct to assume like this or is there still exception for certain adjective 하다 words? 

Also, is this correct?
안  씩씩해요
안 가득해요
안 비열해요
암 멍청해요
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