Updated on
21 Mar 2023

  • Japanese
  • English (US)
  • Finnish
  • Swedish
Question about Finland

What people do in Finland if the trains stopped by strike? Do they use other lines or buses to get to their destination? I know it sounds a stupid question but the strike won't happens in my country, so I'm curious about it. In my country, of course sometimes the trains stops few hours for some reasons (mostly it's suicide), but people use other lines, buses or taxi to get their destination.

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What people do in Finland if the trains stopped by strike? Do they use other lines or buses to get to their destination? I know it sounds a stupid question but the strike won't happens in my country, so I'm curious about it. In my country, of course sometimes the trains stops few hours for some reasons (mostly it's suicide), but people use other lines, buses or taxi to get their destination.
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