Updated on
9 Feb 2016

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  • Turkish
Question about Turkish

Sorry for the vagueness of this question, but how and where do you use the verb tenses in Turkish which contain -miş-, -mış-, -muş-, or -müş-? I have read the explanation that it is used where an action has occurred in the past, but the speaker has not witnessed it's occurrence. However, in this case, words like "konuşmuşum" and "konuşmuşuz" wouldn't really make any sense because if the first-person speaker has committed the action, they must have witnessed the action themselves. How would each of these be used? If you want to, you can just give me examples for each word.

Also, how would each of the compound tenses including this suffix be used? If you can, give me an example sentence including:
Konuşmuş (any subject)
Konuşuyormuş (any subject)
Konuşurmuş (any subject)
Konuşmuştu (any subject)
Konuşmuşmuş (any subject)
Konuşmuşacak (is this a word?) (any subject)
You can ignore any other compound tenses that may exist.

Thank you!

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Sorry for the vagueness of this question, but how and where do you use the verb tenses in Turkish which contain -miş-, -mış-, -muş-, or -müş-? I have read the explanation that it is used where an action has occurred in the past, but the speaker has not witnessed it's occurrence. However, in this case, words like "konuşmuşum" and "konuşmuşuz" wouldn't really make any sense because if the first-person speaker has committed the action, they must have witnessed the action themselves. How would each of these be used? If you want to, you can just give me examples for each word.

Also, how would each of the compound tenses including this suffix be used? If you can, give me an example sentence including:
Konuşmuş (any subject)
Konuşuyormuş (any subject)
Konuşurmuş (any subject)
Konuşmuştu (any subject)
Konuşmuşmuş (any subject)
Konuşmuşacak (is this a word?) (any subject)
You can ignore any other compound tenses that may exist. 

Thank you!
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