Updated on
11 Dec 2017

  • Japanese
  • English (US)
  • Simplified Chinese (China)
Question about English (US)

On a TV program, a commentator said that kind of scandals are all over this circle, but this time it just went too far.
Then, that reminded me of a ex-coworker who got married with a Buddhist priest.

Another ex-coworker and I were invited to her wedding party and we took a lot of pictures.
When we saw them later, we were shocked very much, because pictures from their entering the party room looked haunted and they were surrounded by blur twisted streaks just like some souls are floating around them.
Actually, the bride is the weirdest person I've ever met. She enjoys finding fault with others and she has superiority complex for no reasons.
So, when we saw this picture, we thought it probably came from her side.
But, when we took them to an exorcist, we were told that it came not from her but the groom and flabbergasted.
Does this sound natural?

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