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What does Overestimate mean?

To be better larger or more important than (a situation) it really is
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What is the difference between Overrate and Overestimate ?

Overrated - Example: everyone is talking about the new film “Parasite”. However, you don’t think...
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What is the difference between Overrate and Overestimate ?

Overrate- ”They overrated the restaurant with 5 stars. It wasn’t that good to be rated that.” Ov...
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what's the opposite of overestimate

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What is the difference between overestimate and overrate ?

Overrate is when you have expectations about something. Exemple : This Kpop group is overrated, they aren't even synchronised. While in the other hand, overestimate is when you exceed the need ...
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What is the difference between overvalue and overestimate ?

over valeu/something costs 10$ someone says or pays 15$ overestimate/a bucket can hold 10L of water you think it can hold 15L
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What is the difference between exaggerate and overestimate ?

@Terrences Exaggerate makes it sound like you did it on purpose. Overestimated makes it sound lik...
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What is the difference between esteem and overestimate ?

@___mm oh no worries! “Overestimate” is to estimate above the actual amount. For example: I over...
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What is the difference between overestimate and overvalue ?

Only that overestimate can deal with anything, whereas overvalue only deals with monetary value.
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What does his influence can't be overestimate. mean?

Yes, it means he has a lot of influence. Perhaps even more influence than people can believe.
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