Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Conquest"

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Q: More importantly, it did not achieve conquest of the internal divisions among the staff in the end. Director Isao Takahata and others were members of the in-house union, as was Miyazaki, but some of the main animators were not originally union members. Some joined the company as regular employees, just like Miyazaki, and were not interested in the union movement as he was, while others joined the company with a lower rank due to their low level of education. In the case of the latter, the base salary was set at a much lower level even after they joined the company. However, in the era of television animation production, management had proposed a de facto piece-rate salary system, and some had switched to it. In fact, an animator, who was the de fact planner of the "The Prince of the Sun" project, had earned ten times more than when he or she joined the company. In other words, from the very beginning of the production, there was not a divergence of interests among the participating staff. Does this sound natural?

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